Strappado Wrack

Strappado Wrack
Provocative Political Archive Articles for Unlocking the Meaning of Current Affairs

Friday, August 29, 2014

Nobel Peace Prize for AWOL War President

William Jefferson Clinton was called the first black president. Now it can be said that Barry Soetoro is the first female president. What justifies such a label? Clearly, Barack Hussein Obama has no cojones. The Ipanema vacationer practices his African samba carnival dance while carnage rains from tomahawk missiles. Humanitarian altruism acts as cover for a remote controlled marionette doing the bidding in the Soros world of his sorcerer mentors. This commander in chief runs from his own shadow.

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Thursday, August 28, 2014

Wall Street Capitalism: A Love Affair

What once was a mercantile world has become a global playpen for moving hot money to squeeze out the highest return on investment. Replacing nation states with international capital is now sport. Undermining the sovereignty of countries by an elite club of financial manipulators is the purpose for the grand game. Illustrating this fact, David Callaway writes in Market Watch. "The sale of the New York Stock Exchange to Deutsche Boerse this week underscores the lack of historical antipathy for Germany, the world wars not withstanding, but also something more significant. The deal officially slammed the door on the surge of protectionist overreaction that sprang from the global financial crisis". The conquest of the NYSE by German economic dominance is ironic, since so much of the financial funding of the Third Reich came out of Wall and Broad Street.

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Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Ron Paul vs. the Federal Reserve

The Patriot-Liberty movement has railed against the Federal Reserve for decades. Inexorably attached to the abolishment of the private banking monopoly, the entire political career of Ron Paul is an inspiration for any citizen who values liberty and defends the U.S. Constitution. The Federal Reserve is the Enemy of America. The central cause for the financial collapse of the country rests upon the fractional reserve debt created money racket, which relegates the taxpayer to chattel slave status. You know this is true, and the politicians fear that at some breaking point you will rise up and force a return to honest money.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Low Dose Arsenic for a Cyanide Society

Many believe that an 81 mg aspirin a day will help prevent a heart attack. Yet even greater numbers voluntarily absorb regular doses of poison with their daily diet. Start with the mass media. If you watch network programming, you are being programmed. Doubt this conclusion and you prove just how well the brainwashing has taken hold. The nightly news is a prime example of shaping a view of the world according to the script that keeps you dumb and stupid.

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Monday, August 25, 2014

Know Nothing - The Reality of the American Experience

Oh, remember those "good old days". Discrimination and ethnic exclusion was the norm and a political party stood for "red meat" self-interest. The catcalls today ring with a "PC" note, how dare anyone even allude that restricting immigration can be part of open debate? The memory of the American Republican Party fades into vagueness of ignorance, knowing history is not a requirement of the modern Know Nothings. If you are one of these marginal historians, how can you be expected to appreciate the anti-immigrant sentiment that existed over a century and half ago?

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Friday, August 22, 2014

Labor in America Does Not Pay

Working used to be a proud expression of manhood. Since the days of “Rosie the Riveter”, mothers and daughters joined the work force in mass. Building infrastructure, developing commercial enterprises and producing an endless assembly line of goods led to the greatest expansion of the middle class in American history. In a mere fifty years of planned and coordinated downsizing and out sourcing, the only outcome from honest work is the sweat from your brow. Folks still expend energy and labor at tasks, but few earn a living wage from engaging in industry or commerce. 

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Thursday, August 21, 2014

Only a Chicken Lays Golden Eggs

Once upon a time in the kingdom of political torture a giant monster proclaims a golden edit. No small morsel can go untaxed; the goliath needs to be feed. No fowl can be allowed to go foul of the law. The docile chickens must be caged in their coop so that they have no alternative but to egest their excessive bullion from the bowels of their rump. Yes, Virginia, the giant is coming after your gold. This beast is ready to tear out your innards to get at your ingots. Thanks to Obamacare reportage of your every day, transactions will mount up to exceed the minimum.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Pirates with Nukes

Entirely dispelled are any lingering doubts about the disdain Israel has for international law. Before going any further, just reflect upon all the apologist responses to the global condemnation of the Mediterranean Massacre. All the toadies that carry the water for the Zionist despotism are predictable and deceitful. Based on a foundation of sand their mantra ignores the facts and rests on false axioms. NeoCon Glenn Beck is a devoted cheerleader of Zionism. Making things worse, he is also a Dispensationalist. Departing from the solid research on condemning the failed philosophy of Progressivism, Beck demeans his audience with a false history of Palestine and the nature of the Israeli state. His religious doctrine regarding Israel makes him an apostate.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Tale of Two Townships

What separates the local government of the Town of Malone, NY from that of Cohocton, NY is not a distance of geography, but mindset.  The protracted battle over industrial wind turbines can be easily understood when you examine the vast difference between two laws.  Malone has passed their wind ordinance of 5/24/06.  Read the provisions and appreciate the protections for their community built into the law.  Now inspect the second attempt by the Town of Cohocton to draft their Local Law regulation that virtually turns the township into an industrial landscape.  The obvious question is which town has fulfilled their duty and responsibility to protect their citizens as stated in their respective comprehensive plan?

Monday, August 18, 2014

Taxes, Death and Certainty

Each season when spring approaches, attention turns to the ritual of filling out tax forms.  All year long paying taxes is an integral part of the daily regiment.  But when it comes time to sign your permission slip for legalized thievery, your submission to indentured servitude goes public.  By becoming just another number in the long line of digital compliance under the penalty of perjury, the average citizen is performing his or her financial obligation to the State.  At least that is what you are told is your duty.   

Friday, August 15, 2014

Public Propaganda Pundits

Lord Haw-Haw is alive and well.  He takes to the broadcast microphone everyday.  You know his name.  Actually there are many talk show Nazis that preach their doctrine of the ‘State Makes Right’.  But before you think that nothing has changed from when - Talk Radio has Mellowed – was written, you probably have not been listening to the AM air waves lately.  Talk Radio has become worse.  The Goebbels’ school of broadcast propaganda has graduated to a new level of insufferable anti-intellectualism.  The plastic flag has replaced reason and the evil Islamic fascists have become worse then the blood sucking Jew.  America resembles the bastion of a goosestep global blitzkrieg ready to pounce on any foe that opposes the Reich of the Fuhrer. 

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Thursday, August 14, 2014

Woman of the Year, or is it?

The game of presidential politics is often described as musical chairs.  Actually it is more like “Pop Goes the Weasel”.  Since national elections have proved to be irrelevant, tweedledum and tweedledee charades, what’s the point in getting worked up over the next cycle?  Well adjusted minds know that the next presidency will just be another administration that wastes the country.  Another ‘Croissant Kerry’ run would drive the electorate to riot.  A McCain march will never get fundamental troops to get in line.  What will the parties on both sides of the same coin do?  When in doubt call in the consultants and pollsters . . .

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

George W. Bush "Born Again" Foreign Policy

Leave it up to God to judge Dubya’s soul, but for the rest of us mere mortals assessing his politics is not just sport, it is essential survival protection.  The loony left is taking delight in his recent troubles.  True to human nature, the rat pack has suspect motives, even when outrage is the fitting response.  As usual, the bleeding heart utopians fail to understand the game that is playing itself out.  Their idea of a villain is that bad old conservative President.  Their kind of hero is that lip biting, “I feel your pain” philanderer.  A womanizer is the next best thing to having a woman President.  Well, here we go again!  Wrong on all counts.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

GWB another LBJ

Texas was the home of Stephen Austin and Sam Houston, was defended by Davy Crockett and has fashioned some of the most bona fide Americans in all the country.  But to the eternal shame of the state mockingbird symbol bears the scars of producing two utter failures as president.  Sure, George Walker Bush was born in New Haven of Connecticut Yankee stock, but he has adapted well to the facade of a wild west.  The Real West would spit on either of these bandits that robbed and raped while they pranced and stole.  The appearance of social justice or compassion doesn’t square with their records of dictatorial arrogance.  Straight talk folks smell a rotten carcass.  The dead bodies that fill their Alamo, deserve a national autopsy.

Friday, August 8, 2014

If terrorists were really serious

"Them against us", is the battle cry.  Forget about a "global struggle against violent extremism," it's a war, so says President Bush.  Keep the pressure up and the fraud going.  Never let the debate discuss the merits of the strategy or the results of the policy.  Thinking can never be allowed to penetrate the decisions.  Attack any opposition to the course of escalation and permanent intervention.  Fight them "Over There", so we can be safe at home!  Ever wonder why these terrorists keep building nail bombs while the great super power runs their search and destroy missions?

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Nothing to Fear - All is Perfect!

Successive generations are familiar with the FDR era slogan “Nothing to Fear but Fear Itself”, but how many are aware that ‘All is Perfect’ in this new age of health, wealth and progress?  Those who peddle apprehension are often damned for negativism.  While proponents of “have a wonderful day” and a brighter future, are seldom condemned for being unrealistic.  The cultural bias is rooted in a false optimism.  Facts, reality and veracity take a back seat to idealism.  The sum of all fears is irrational if you want to live a life free from anxiety.  

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

VE Day Losing WWII

From the reading of history the victor is supposed to write a favorable account.  After all the classic documentaries and countless sequels to the “Greatest Generation”, we are left with the stark fact that winning the war against Nazi Germany really meant that the conqueror of the  “Great Patriotic War” was the Soviet Union.  Hardly a model of moral virtue or social inspiration, the decision to ally with Joseph Stalin to defeat Adolf Hitler has proven to be the most tragic error in a history of American foreign policy blunders.   

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Tuesday, August 5, 2014

A New Way to be Taxed

A subject so near and dear has become a national preoccupation.  Avoid thinking about just how much taxation really targets our pocket books.  The resigned rationalization that nothing can be done to avoid the taxman is the underpinning attitude that pervades the economy.  So ironic that most business decisions are deeply influenced if not outright made by their tax consequences.  The entire accounting profession is built upon a produce of reporting and compliance with a sought after goal of avoidance.  What other sector dominates your financial universe more than the fear that your affairs will be audited in minute detail and that interest and penalties will be assessed.  As any observant taxpayer would attest, abiding by the tax law is a full time endeavor.  

Monday, August 4, 2014

Social Insecurity the AARP Program

Few not for profit organizations, PROFIT more than AARP.  You know who they are – that  nonprofit, nonpartisan membership organization for people age 50 and over.  If you believe their mission statement, then chances are you will swallow the entire Social Security scam.  The SS Swindle can be debated, but the reality of the fraud can’t be escaped.  The mere fact that most Americans accept the bribes as a birthright, does not justify the insidious theft and deceit that underpins the program.  Now that the unsustainability of this pay as you go system is admitted, only the date of demise from demographic realities is left to dispute. 

Friday, August 1, 2014

I Love DC

No other place on earth has as much appeal for aspiring autocrats than the bastion of indulgence that sprang up out of a swamp.  The Potomac cuts through the monuments as it flows to the sea - taking with it all the discharge and waste that inexorably comes from spent excess.  Where else can you find a place where nothing of value is created, no useful product is produced, completely void of any industrious endeavor?  Absent in the practice of wealth creation has not hindered the establishment of temples.  The cornerstones of an empire are fueled by the tribute extracted from the soil of the land.  The superhighway of sustenance runs in only one direction.  The life blood of survival comes in, that allows the organism of privilege to sustain its preeminent dominance.